Student Solution


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Discussion question unit 4

Discussion question unit 4

Q 1.What is the difference between sickle cell trait and sickle disease?2.Do you feel differently about testing for sickle cell anaemia at birth v. testing for the trait as a young adult? Why?3.Testing before birth can also be done, as early as 10weeks into the pregnancy. This testing looks for the sickle haemoglobin gene, rather than the abnormal haemoglobin that gene makes. Under what circumstances would you support prenatal testing. 4.Does this policy disseminate against athletes with sickle cell trait? Does it discriminate based on race or ethnicity?5.Does this policy make good medical sense? Why or why not? Are there other approaches to avoid sickle cell trait related deaths that don’t involve genetic testing?7.What changes in research on human subjects resulted, directly and indirectly, from the Lacks case?

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Ans: A person is considered to have sickle cell trait who is heterozygous for this condition and does not suffer by this disease. People with this trait carries 50% of their RBCs normal shaped and 50% sickle shaped. Hence not physiological process does not get hampered. People having sickle cell disease are heterozygous for this trait, hence in case of them 100% of RBCs are sickle celled. Due to the abnormal shape, RBCs cannot pass through the blood vessels due to formation of clog, that blocks the flow of blood. Patients suffers from pain in different body parts, known as sickle cell cries.